Little Known Facts About フラット 電子 レン�?


Description-ja: X11 Input extension wire protocol This package offers enhancement headers describing the wire protocol for the Input extension, used to manage all method of possibilities associated with enter product managing.

Description-ja: enhancement files for PostgreSQL nine.three server-facet programming Header information for compiling SSI code to connection into PostgreSQL's backend; for example, for C features to generally be referred to as from SQL. . This bundle also is made up of the Makefiles essential for constructing add-on modules of PostgreSQL, which might normally ought to be built-in the PostgreSQL supply-code tree.

浮気してるって本当なの? 元夫からのメッ�?#私たちステップファミリーです

Description-ja: libaugeas0 のデバッグシンボ�?Augeas is actually a configuration editing Device. It parses configuration information in their native formats and transforms them right into a tree. Configuration variations are created by manipulating this tree and saving it back into indigenous config documents.

Description-ja: X11 XKB extension wire protocol This package supplies enhancement headers describing the wire protocol for your XKEYBOARD extension, used to manage all method of selections related to keyboard dealing with and structure especially.

Description-ja: EXIF/IPTC メタデータ操作ライブラリ Exiv2 is usually a C++ library and also a command line utility to deal with graphic metadata. It provides speedy and straightforward examine and produce use of the Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata of photos in several formats . click here Exiv2 library delivers: * quickly read through and generate entry to the Exif, IPTC, and XMP metadata of a picture * an simple to operate and extensively documented API * conversions of Exif and IPTC metadata to XMP and vice versa * a sensible IPTC implementation that does not have an effect on data that plans like Photoshop shop in the same impression segment * Exif Makernote aid: - Makernote tags is often examine and created similar to almost every other metadata - a complicated generate algorithm avoids corrupting the Makernote * an easy interface to extract previews embedded in RAW illustrations or photos and Exif thumbnails * established and delete approaches for Exif thumbnails Offer: libexiv2-dev


It may operate as a daemon or to be a foreground provider which administrators can use to schedule backups and Get well data files. . このパッケージは Bacula ディレクターデーモン用の共通ファイルを提供します�?Offer: base-data files


Description-ja: Software Indicators A library and indicator to just take menus from applications and location them during the panel. . このパッケージには、アプリケーションから利用される共有ライブラリが含まれます�?Package deal: libappindicator3-1

Description-ja: Puppet grasp popular scripts This bundle has popular scripts for that puppet learn, that is the server hosting manifests and files to the puppet nodes. . Puppet により、クロスプラットフォームな記述言語を使って、システムの重要なあ らゆる側面を一元管理できます。ユーザ�?cron ジョブ、hosts のような通常であ れば別々のファイルに集約される個別の要素すべてを、パッケージやサービス�?ファイルのようなそれぞれが明らかに別個の要素と一緒に管理できます�?.

Description-ja: X11 Athena Widget library libXaw7 delivers the next Model of Xaw, the Athena Widgets tookit, which is essentially employed by legacy X applications. This Edition is the most typical Model, as Model six is considered deprecated, and Model 8, which adds Xprint assistance, is unsupported rather than widely employed.


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